We sell fine art prints of original artwork by Ashley Thompson.


Vitamin Sea

Vitamin Sea

A collection of abstract fine art prints from original acrylic seascapes inspired... 

Nautical Dusk

Nautical Dusk

A collection of abstract fine art prints from original acrylic seascapes. Nautical... 

Sea Breeze

Sea Breeze

A collection of fine art prints from original artworks by Ashley Thompson.... 

  • About me

    My life’s work has been about food, from being a chef to writing recipes and developing products for retail. My passion has always been creating flavours and textures in the kitchen and mixing ingredients and colours. I have always been creative and visual, yet up to now I focused that energy on food. 

    I really connected with art after watching a YouTube video where the artist used a palette knife to move the paint around a canvas. As you can imagine, I’m used to handling a palette knife, though more used to icing cakes and spreading tempered chocolate than paint, but I identified with the technique and was inspired to have a go. I ordered an art kit online and got started. 

    Soon after, art was flowing through my veins and pouring on to the canvas. I knew I needed to learn, so I went to college and studied art under Jan Parfoot. Her encouragement helped me decide to share my art with others. I’m inspired by the dramatic coastline around Britain, being out on my paddle board or snorkelling in Cornwall. There may be some food influences in my work, but generally I like abstract and emotional seascapes. 

    I don’t know where this new path is going, but I hope you can enjoy the journey with me.